Preface. Acknowledgments. General Introduction. Part I: Classicism and the Renaissance. A. The Classical and Medieval Traditions. Introduction. 1. Vitruvius. from De architectura,Book 1 (c.25 B.C.). 2. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 2 (c.25 B.C.). 3. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 3 (c.25 B.C.). 4. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 4 (c.25 B.C.). 5. Old Testament. from I Kings. 6. Old Testament. from The Book of Ezekiel (c.586 B.C.). 7. New Testament. from The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John (c.95 A.D.). 8. Abbot Suger. from The Book of Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis (c.1144). 9. William Durandus. from Rationale divinorum officiorum (1286). B. Renaissance and Baroque Ideals. Introduction. 10. Antonio di Tuccio Manetti. from The Life of Brunelleschi (1480s). 11. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Prologue and Book I (1443-1452). 12. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Book 6. 13. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Book 9. 14. Il Filarete. from Book I of untitled treatise on architecture (1461-3). 15. Il Filarete. from Book VIII of untitled treatise on architecture. 16. Sebastiano Serlio. from Book 3, De antiquita (1540). 17. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola. from Preface to Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura (1562). 18. Palladio. from I quattro libri dell'architettura (1570). 19. Juan Bautista Villalpando. from In: Ezekielem Explanationes (1604). 20. Georgio Vasari. from Preface to Le vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani (1550, 1568). 21. Georgio Vasari. from "Life of Michelangelo" in Le vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani (1550, 1568). 22. Peter Paul Rubens. from Preface to Palazzi di Genova (1622). Part II: Classicism in France and Britain. A. French Classicism: Ancients and Moderns. Introduction. 23. Rene Descartes. from Regulae ad Directionen Ingenii (1628). 24. Roland Freart de Chambray. from Preface to Parallele de l'architecture antique et de la moderne (1650). 25. Paul Freart de Chantelou. from Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini's Visit to France (1665). 26. Francois Blondel. from "Discours pronounce par Mr Blondel a l'ouverture de l'Academie d'Architecture" (1671). 27. Francois Blondel,. from Cours d'architecture (1675). 28. Rene Ouvrard. from Architecture harmonique (1677). 29. Claude Perrault. annotations to French translation of Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve (1673). 30. Francois Blondel. from Cours d'architecture, Vol. II (1683). 31. Claude Perrault. from Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve, second edition (1684). 32. Claude Perrault. from Ordonnance des cinq especes de colonnes selon la methode des Anciens (1683). 33. Jean-Francois Felibien. from Preface to Recueil historique de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architectes (1687). 34. Charles Perrault. from Preface to Parallele des anciens et des modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences (1688). 35. Charles Perrault (1688-97). from "Dessin d'un portail pour l'Eglise de Sainte-Genevieve a Paris" (1697). 36. Michel de Fremin. from Memoires critiques d'architecture (1702). 37. Jean-Louis de Cordemoy. from Nouveau traite de toute l'architecture (1706, 1714). B. British Classicism and Palladianism. Introduction. 38. Henry Wotton. from The Elements of Architecture (1624). 39. Christopher Wren. from Tract I on architecture (mid-1670s). 40. Christopher Wren. from Tracts II and IV on architecture (mid-1670s). 41. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. from Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1711). 42. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third