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Live Greener

Author/EditorCardelius, Cayetano (Author)
Publisher: Loft Publications
ISBN: 9788499366586
Pub Date30/01/2023
Dimensions (mm)290(h) * 250(w)
Illustrated showcase of recent house designs which exemplify green architecture and how such houses provide sustainable living environments.
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In recent decades, there has been a growing awareness of environmental issues in society as a whole, mainly due to the increasingly serious consequences of climate change and the progressive degradation of the natural environment caused by human activity.

Within this trend, the practice of ""Green Architecture"" stands as one of the main tools to promote a change of course that helps to ensure the sustainability of the planet and the preservation of its natural heritage.

This book showcases recent house designs which exemplify green architecture and how such houses provide sustainable living environments.

In recent decades, there has been a growing awareness of environmental issues in society as a whole, mainly due to the increasingly serious consequences of climate change and the progressive degradation of the natural environment caused by human activity.

Within this trend, the practice of ""Green Architecture"" stands as one of the main tools to promote a change of course that helps to ensure the sustainability of the planet and the preservation of its natural heritage.

This book showcases recent house designs which exemplify green architecture and how such houses provide sustainable living environments.

Cayetano Cardelus was born in Seville and is an architect from the Escola Tecnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (1992), specialising in Projects, Urban Planning and History. All through his professional life he has combined architecture with specialised architectural publications. He has worked with Loft Publishing, editing other best selling architecture books such as Green Architecture Today, Sustainable Homes and Kindergarten Architecture.

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