A guide to contemporary architecture practice in one of the most important fields today—the transformative adaptation of existing buildings. A manifesto and survey of contemporary practice by one of the leading offices in this domain, Deborah Berke Partners.
Features the six winning proposals of the 2021 EUROPAN competition for the Austrian cities of Graz, Klagenfurt, and Linz that offer pioneering ideas for tackling climate change and balancing social, economic and cultural inequalities in cities.
Source Books in Architecture No. 15: Johnston Marklee includes conversations with the architects and documentation of a range of built and unbuilt works.
In this lavishly illustrated text, Patrik Schumacher, a world-leading architectural theorist and principal architect with Zaha Hadid Architects, provides a comprehensive analysis on tectonism as evolving into the new architecture for the 21st century.
This compendium presents an international showcase of contemporary building culture between global trends, local traditions, functional demands, new technologies, economic circumstances, and individual styles.
An illustrated reader on experimental approaches in architecture and urban design to enable good urban coexistence in a rapidly warming climate. Text in English and German.