In addition to design manuals and architectural guides, DOM also publish monographs. These encompass case studies on well-known architectural practices, biographies of renowned architects or individual topics relating to specialised architectural themes. Well-defined theories, carefully focused theses and high-quality illustrations are the hallmarks of these titles.
Meuser, Philipp
A special edition marking 90th birthday of the Russian architect Galina Balashova, presenting a unique collection of designs for Soviet cosmonautics. Written in English, German, and Russian.
Koditek, Walter
A comprehensive overview on the architecture of Hong Kong's transformative period featuring more than 300 buildings, with detailed background information explaining and illustrating the design and history of these buildings.
Harvey, Brian
The first of its kind: An atlas of all major sites where space rockets have been launched since the World's first Sputnik in 1958.
Palsson, Karsten
This book points to urban blocks as the structure best suited to pro moting sustainable building developments and cities.
Gutschow, Niels
Architekten und Ingenieurverein zu Berli
Volume 1: 100 Years of Urban Planning for Greater Berlin
Volume 2: International Urban Planning Competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070
Sonne, W
In the writing of urban design history of the twentieth century, functionalist and avant-garde models of the dissolution of the city are dominating. In contrast this book presents projects whose goal is the ideal of a dense and urbane city. Drawing on plans, built examples and theories of dense and urban cities and city districts in the twentieth c
Barkhofen E Maria- ed Academy of Arts Be
The Akademie der Kunste (Academy of Arts) in Berlin has carried out its task of promoting the arts in Germany since the year it was founded in 1696. From the outset, master builders have been eligible to become members. The architect Hans Scharoun laid the groundwork for establishing the architectural archive.