Second Edition includes a new section on 'Development Risk'.
Shouldn’t we all be developers? is part of a campaign for small, independently produced homes that demonstrate the wider possibilities of incremental development. This movement is populated by community groups, individuals, dreamers and simply those who want to help themselves. This is the chance to change the current situation. Let small make big. “For too long development in Britain has been in the hands of giant, timid, anonymous house building MegaCorps delivering poor-quality identikit homes. Inspired by Roger’s book, we can change all that. In the hands of the people, development can become a clean word, synonymous with quality and embodying the energy and beliefs of our times. This book reconnects us to the process and the spirit of building; of making, remaking and improving our world. It is something that every human is programmed to do.” Kevin McCloud, Designer, writer and TV presenter. Solidspace founder Roger Zogolovitch studied at the Architectural Association in London between 1965 and 1971. Zogolovitch has seen the business of architecture from all sides, as architect, client and developer, and set up Solidspace as a vehicle to develop interstitial sites not otherwise recognised as suitable for inner city development. The Solidspace approach encourages collaboration with other architect partnerships includes those with de Rijke Marsh Morgan Architects, Mole Architects, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris and Stephen Taylor Architects. Solidspace schemes are concerned with varied plans and sections, in order to open up small sites to larger footprints through interconnected spaces borrowing, in part, from the history of Modern architecture, and ideas of the raumplan and architectural promenade.